Bài đăng

Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 6, 2017

6 modern DIY's for your home

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i love simple and minimal projects so i couldn't resist putting together a round up of some i've come across recently! we started some renovations on our house which is super exciting but i 100% underestimated how long they were going to take, dang. i think we're finally making good progress tho (we almost have a functioning bathroom again) so i'm hoping to be working on some new content again soon, hurrah.

hello weekend

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happy friday guys! this week has flown by right? i guess the bank holiday has something to do with it, that and the fact i got sucked into rewatching all the games of thrones episodes (again.) i'm going to ireland this weekend and i can't wait to see my family! we're also going to see our wedding venue for the first time since we booked it and my parents are coming along too- i think that's when it will sink in that i should probably start planning stuff at some point, yikes.