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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 3, 2017

scandinavian inspired home DIY's

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oh hey! sorry i didn't post last week- i decided to take a week off to focus on finishing a few home updates before i jumped into making my next batch of DIY's! i have a bunch of ideas that i need to sit down and plan so whilst i'm working on them i've rounded up some v. stylish DIY's that are way to cool not to share! i'm a big fan of scandi design and these minimal DIY's tick all those boxes.. so if you're hunting for some handmade inspo go peek at this gorgeous collection:

hello weekend

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happy st patrick's day! i'm going to have an extra chilled weekend cause it feels like i've barely been home this week and i'm craving some down time. james and i are going for pancakes and bacon sandwiches tomorrow to celebrate our 6yr anniversary (we go to the same little american diner to have breakfast every year ha!) other than that i have no plans other than to potter about the house and relax.. can't wait! hope you have a lovely few days. here some fun stuff: -  super cute rope basket DIY - we've all been there...  - a teeny bit hooked on this podcast. - i will soooo be making these! - more ikea newness. - always wanted to learn this (geeky but true) back soon! caroline x

DIY flower gift box

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mothers day is only a few weeks away and i really want to make my mum something extra special this year. i always struggle to find a gift as sweet as her so i decided to find a way to surprise her with something a little different. i toyed with the idea of making a personalised gift box and decided to add an element i know she'll love- flowers!

hello weekend

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i can't believe it's friday already! this week flew by right? it was my birthday on monday so i've been spending most evenings going for dinner or catching up with friends and family this week which was great. i feel like i want to redecorate everything at home right now so i might tackle some projects this weekend that i've been avoiding (like our new blinds/shelves that have been sat in boxes for ages) praying that might scratch my renovating itch! also james is back from his skiing trip so i'm pretty pumped to crash out on the sofa and catch up on all the tv shows he made me promise not to watch without him (yeah he owes me big time for that.) have a awesome weekend, here's some fun stuff online: - is keeping up with the kattarshians the best site ever? spoiler: the answer is yes. - last meals on death row. -  this is one snazzy soap DIY. - best show i've seen in forever.  - news flash: i finally have a kanken! caroline x

DIY storage grid

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sometimes there's nothing as satisfying as a quick DIY and this storage grid totally fits the bill. you may remember i posted this metal  memo board a few years ago but with this version you can store stuff in a handy pocket!

hello weekend

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missed you friday! james gets back home from his skiing trip this weekend and it's my birthday on monday wooo! i don't really have any bday plans i'll probably just go for a nice dinner or something cause i'm not into huge celebrations. other than that i'll be working on some new projects, squeezing in some coffee dates and tackling all the cleaning i've been avoiding since we got back from ireland (laundry suuuuucks.) hope you guys have a great one. here's some fun stuff: - i binge watched this oscar winning doc on iPlayer this week. -  shop cats should be compulsory.  - v. cool DIY for your plants! -  this really tickled me. - *bookmarks for summer bbq's* - this weeks retail treat. back soon caroline x

5 tips to help you slow down

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ever feel like you're frantically rushing around trying to juggle 10 things at once? yup, me too. up until this year i was generally pretty stressed, life felt like it was passing me by whilst i was a ball of anxiety over deadlines and admin. i used to mistake being fast paced for being productive which wasn't always the case... late last year i had to step away from work for nearly two months, up until this point the longest i'd been offline was at maybe a week tops. usually i'd have been concerned about not updating social media or sharing new DIY's but at the time it wasn't a priority. when i returned expecting the worst i discovered nothing had changed. you guys were still here reading (i heart you) my blog was fine, in fact my page views were at times better than ever. it was a massive wake up call. i can see now that a lot of my stress was self imposed. since the start of this year i've given up being worried about catching up on ALL THE STUFF. now i p