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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 11, 2018

DIY mini christmas wreaths

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christmas is hands down my favourite time of year. the anticipation and excitement of the festive countdown gets me every time! this year is even more special as it's our first as parents and i'm aiming to get all my preparations done early in an attempt to make it as stress-free and organised as possible (christmas eve shopping will just not fly this year!)

hello weekend

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happy weekend! the weeks are flying by at the minute aren't they? feel like it'll be christmas in about 2 weeks at this rate, gah. it's been a very gabe-centric week over here as everything seems to be happening together! his first tooth swiftly became 3 and now 4 and he FINALLY started to crawl (which i'm half happy/half sad about.) teething trouble aside james and i are heading to the cinema tonight (whoop) and we're going to attempt to repaint the kitchen over the weekend.  ...james doesn't know about the kitchen part yet, wish me luck! here's some stuff i've been reading this week: - utterly chilling, a must read.  - we're considering another paris trip and this just sealed the deal! - i love reading anything jackie o.   - not sure what i love more, the DIY or that sink? - nabbed me these desktop wallpapers, danke! have a great few days! back soon caroline x

DIY modern wooden baby mobile

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pre gabe i assumed i'd be making cute baby diy's whilst my little one slept... post gabe i laugh about this A LOT! some days i barely get a chance to check my emails and the rest of the time i'd rather spend my time playing with him or catching up on other things. occasionally though i get a serious itch to make something for him and this mobile project seemed like a great idea for his nursery.

best of the high street: the a/w blazer

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if there's one wardrobe essential for me every year it's a good blazer. as someone who lives in jeans i find a blazer the quickest way to smarten up an outfit without becoming super dressy. i love the a/w blazer offerings the most, from plaid to corduroy and velvet there's just so much choice!  i've been hunting for a new blazer and  i found so many i loved online  i decided to put together this little collection  to share with you guys.. there's a mix of budgets included as i'm  always looking for a bargain but if you're looking to spend a touch more i'd definitely recommend  & other stories blazers  (swoon.)

hello weekend

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oh boy this has been a loooong week and i'm so relieved it's almost over. our little pup has had his first 2 teeth come through and we've all been poorly with bad colds so there has been a lot of tears all round. i'll be spending the next few days with my family and i can't wait.. here's to the weekend and a large glass of wine this evening!  here's some nice stuff i've seen online lately: -  have you watched these 10 documentaries yet? - this blazer is a steal (and it's my fave colour) -  really enjoyed this post about using social media mindfully. - 10 interior styling tips to learn. - baby fancy dress ideas..? oh go on then. - i just repainted but now i'm very into this bedroom colour, gah! have a good one guys.. back soon! caroline x